Fixed Functional Treatment

Fixed Functional appliances are used to comfortably correct dental protrusions and bite problems associated with a retrognathic lower jaw. Often, when we see patients with this problem, we tend to think that the upper jaw and teeth are too far forward. However, most of the time this condition is due to small or retruded lower jaw. With these patients, we like to encourage the lower jaw to catch up during pubertal growth using fixed functional appliances. For many patients, fixed functional appliances eliminate the need for headgears and/or extractions and they reduce the need for patient cooperation.

Adult Patient
Adult Patient
Adult Patient
Mouth Before
Mouth After



Lexington Office

208 East Washington St.
Lexington, VA 24450

Clifton Forge Office

328 Jefferson Ave.
Clifton Forge, VA 24422
Phone: 540.463.7744